There are two livestreams that I (try to) run each week with an aim of producing 48 of each per year.
The longest-running so far is my Illustrator livestream "Make It in Illustrator" (formerly "Draw in Illustrator") which runs typically for around 90 minutes, exploring drawing techniques and is suitable for all levels of user ability. I try to balance the needs of new users with those with a bit more experience. So far, this has been working out well and there's such a lovely community developing around this stream—come along and join in on Tuesdays at 4pm (UK time).
The tagline for my Wednesday stream, "InDesign Kitchen" (also at 4pm) has only just restarted in February 2023 after a few pilot episodes last year. My tagline description for this stream is "InDesign Kitchen serves up a different recipe, and examines ingredients each week at 4pm" pretty much sums it up. Each week there is an exploration of a particular project (recipe) that may include a closer look at a particular feature (ingredients) and sometimes techniques from a companion application (sauces) such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat.
The livestream is a companion to my forthcoming book, "The InDesign Cookbook" of which extracts from some pages were sub-licensed to XMPie (part of Xerox) in 2022 as "The InDesign Cookbook [mini] "for Adobe MAX.